
Info about Haibin, (China)

Other names for Haibin are Haibin, Haibin Jiedao, hai bin, hai bin jie dao, 海滨, 海滨街道, latitude is 21.3987600, and longitude 110.7832800.

Haibin population is 113.460.000 inhabitants, this region timezone is Asia/Urumqi (Asia/Urumqi_cet).

Haibin is a popular travel destination for nature reserves in all China.


More details about Haibin in China (CN)

Haibin has timezone UTC+08:00 (valid for standard time).

In Haibin there are 113.460.000 inhabitants, considering 2018 census.

Haibin size is 179800 square km. good if you’d like to travel to a metropolis, busy with a lot of distractions and entertainment. In Haibin you can find expensive hotels because of its high hotel rates, and for this reason you may enjoy Haibin as a base to relax after walking this city.

Its height above sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 0 meters. That’s why this is the ideal destination when you and firends love seaside places.

Shares borders with nice cities like Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hong Kong, Macau. This is why you and your companions may easily reach these near travel destinations for new adventures.

If you are searching for information about Haibin see Haibin official website http://www.gd.gov.cn/.

Haibin things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • nature reserves.

    Interactive Haibin (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Haibin, China (CN).