
Info about Quanzhou, Fujian Sheng (China)

Quanzhou is a quarter of Fujian Sheng, and country is China (CN).

Also called Cchuean-cou, Ch’uan-chou, Ch’uan-chou-shih, Chhien-chu-su, Chhièn-chû-sṳ, Chin-chiang, Chin-chiang-hsien, Chinchew, Chinchu, Choan-chiu-chhi, Chuanchowfu, Chueenju shehiri, Chôan-chiu-chhī, Chüanchowfu, Chüenju shehiri, Ch’üan-chou, Ch’üan-chou-shih, Ciong-ciu, Ciuandzou, Ciòng-ciŭ, Cjuan’chzhou, JJN, Quantsjou, Quanzhou, Tsin-chiang, Tsingkianghsien, Tsinkiang, Tuyen Chau, Tuyền Châu, Zaitun, Zayton, che wiyn cow, chwanzhw, chwianjeou si, chwynzhw, kwanzhw, quan zhou, quan zhou shi, tshwantshw, Čchüan-čou, Čiuandžou, Цюаньчжоу, تشوانتشو, چوئنژو, چوانژو, کوانژو, เฉวียนโจว, 泉州, 泉州市, 취안저우 시, its latitude is 24.9138900, and its longitude 118.5858300.

With a population of 6.480.000 residents, its timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

In Quanzhou you can do surf, mosques, museums, docks, bodyboard, events, sailboats, water sports, nightlife, statues, religious sites in China.


More details about Quanzhou in China (CN)

It’s official name is 泉州市 (闽C).

It is located in time zone UTC+08:00 (for standard time).

Quanzhou population is 6.480.000 residents, considering 2016 census. Do You want to dial local numbers? You can use 595 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. Quanzhou postal code is 362000, this is why if you want to send anything via post it can be used this zip as explained.

Its square area is 11015 sq. kilometers so Quanzhou is a relatively big city, busy with a lot of distractions or activities to do. If you stay in this city you can find expensive hotels because of Quanzhou very high rooms costs, and this is why you can find it as basecamp if you want to relax after going around this big city.

Quanzhou altitude above sea level or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be around 2 mt. For this reason Quanzhou is the perfect destination if you and your friends like beaches and sea.

There are also other near cities you can visit, beautiful cities like Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong. As those cities are very close you and your companions can very quickly go to those near trip destinations for new destinations in China.

For information on Quanzhou have a look at its website http://www.quanzhou.gov.cn.

Important memorabilia that is worth to visit for your trip to Quanzhou are:

    Fujian Provincial Sports Centre Stadium

Quanzhou things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • surf, mosques, museums, docks, bodyboard, events, sailboats, water sports, nightlife, statues, religious sites.

    Interactive Quanzhou (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Quanzhou, Fujian Sheng China (CN).