
Info about Baotou, (China)

Other names for Baotou are BAV, Bao GJau, Bao Đầu, Baotou, Baotou Shi, Baotou shaary, Bau-tau, Bautouo, Baŭtoŭo, Bugat khot, Bău-tàu, Pao-t’ou, Pao-t’ou-hsien, Pao-t’ou-shih, Pao-tchou, Pao-tow, Pao-t’ou, Pao-t’ou-hsien, Pao-t’ou-shih, Paotou, Pau-thau-chhi, Pau-theu-su, Pau-thâu-chhī, Pâu-thèu-sṳ, ba’otu, bao tou, bao tou shi, baoteou si, baywtw, Баотоу, Баотоу шаары, Бугат хот, Բաոտոու, بائوتو, باۋتۇ شەھىر, ਬਾਓਟੂ, 包头市, 包頭, 包頭市, 바오터우 시, latitude is 40.5833700, and its longitude is 110.0166900.

With a population of 2.700.000 citizens, this area timezone is Asia/Shanghai (Asia/Shanghai_cet).

Baotou is popular for mines, scenic roads, natural places, countryside, nature, treasure hunts, secret, valleys, water sports, desert, forest, hunting, farms, mountains, parks, bridges, ancient ruins in China.


More details about Baotou in China (CN)

Its official name is 包头市 (蒙B).

Baotou has timezone UTC+08:00 (valid for standard time).

In Baotou there are 2.700.000 citizens, if we consider 2010 census. Do You are looking to call local phone numbers? Use 86 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 014000, for this reason, for sending postcards to family on your travel you can use this code as per description.

Its area is 27691 square km., so its a relatively big city, crowdy full of things to do and entertainment. Here you may find expensive accommodations because of their very high room rates, so for this reason you may find it like basecamp in order to find SPAs and Thermal baths after visiting the metropolis.

Its altitude above mean sea level, technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 1065 meters. That’s why Baotou is a perfect place if you and partner like high mountains to go to in your next vacation or are willing to do mountain rails when going abroad.

If you are searching for extra information about this city check Baotou official website

Baotou things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mines, scenic roads, natural places, countryside, nature, treasure hunts, secret, valleys, water sports, desert, forest, hunting, farms, mountains, parks, bridges, ancient ruins.

    Interactive Baotou (China) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Baotou, China (CN).