
Info about Molina, Región del Maule (Chile)

Molina is a place of Región del Maule, Provincia de Curicó, in Chile (CL).

Also called Molina, Молина, its latitude is -35.1142800, and longitude -71.2823200.

In Molina are located 28.775 natives, Molina timezone is America/Santiago (America/Santiago_cet).

Molina is famous for treasure hunts, geological formations, turkish baths, valleys, mountains, water parks, playgrounds, gardens, parks, nature, wine bars, bodyboard, horse trails, nature reserves, rivers, food, towers, theme parks, wildlife, scenic roads, farms, national parks, bars, natural places, secret, forest around Chile.


More details about Molina in Chile (CL)

It is located in time zone UTC−04:00 (valid for standard time).

You need to dial local telephones! If you want to call local numbers in Molina you can use 56 as local dialing code.

Molina area is 1551 square km. so its a large city, busy with a lot of things to do or activities to do. If you stay here you can find high budget accommodations due to their very high housing costs, and this is why you could enjoy Molina as base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury tired by visiting this big city.

Molina height above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is around 273 meters. For this reason this is the perfect destination if you and your friends love plain ground to travel to for your next travel.

For detailed information about this city you can have a look at Molina official website

Molina things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • treasure hunts, geological formations, turkish baths, valleys, mountains, water parks, playgrounds, gardens, parks, nature, wine bars, bodyboard, horse trails, nature reserves, rivers, food, towers, theme parks, wildlife, scenic roads, farms, national parks, bars, natural places, secret, forest.

    Interactive Molina (Chile) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Molina, Región del Maule Provincia de Curicó Chile (CL).