
Info about Melinka, Región Aysén (Chile)

Melinka region is Región Aysén, Provincia de Aisén, in Chile (CL).

Melinka is also called Melinca, Melinka, latitude is -43.8969600, and its longitude is -73.7455900.

In Melinka there are 1.329 citizens, this region timezone is America/Santiago (America/Santiago_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Melinka are sailboats, wildlife in Chile.


More details about Melinka in Chile (CL)

It is the capital of Guaitecas.

It’s population is 1.329 occupants, related to 2017 last census.

Melinka dimensions are 0 square kilometers, for this reason Melinka appears to be nicely small city good solution for travelers that are interested in small cities as an economic base location to travel to, an incredibly calm area with no loudness common in big urban areas. In this town you can save money due to their economic housing rates, and for this reason you could use Melinka as your base in order to move across Chile or Melinka near cities.

Its meters above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 0 meters. Because of this it is a perfect travel destination if you and friends want to do a sea travel.

Melinka things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • sailboats, wildlife.

    Interactive Melinka (Chile) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Melinka, Región Aysén Provincia de Aisén Chile (CL).