
Info about Bongor, (Chad)

Also called Bongor, OGR, Бонгор, its latitude is 10.2805600, and its longitude is 15.3722200.

In Bongor are located 27.770 residents, this region timezone is Africa/Ndjamena (Africa/Ndjamena_cet).

Things to do in Bongor are farms, water sports, canoeing, islands, nightlife, nature, desert, natural places, secret, disco, hunting, ancient ruins, scenic roads, music, bridges, towers, historical sites, forest, countryside, mountains, religious sites, running, museums, rivers, shopping, food, architectural buildings, clubs, beaches, scuba diving, wellness, boat rides, water parks, gardens, parks, caves, diving, monuments, wildlife, events around Chad.


More details about Bongor in Chad (TD)

It is the capital of Mayo-Kebbi Est Region.

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

Bongor population is 27.770 occupants, according to 2010 census.

Bongor altitude above mean sea level, called also meters above sea level (MASL), is around 334 meters. For this reason Bongor is an ideal place if you and your beloved ones want high land to travel to in your next holiday or are willing to do mountain rails if on vacation to visit new places.

Bongor things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • farms, water sports, canoeing, islands, nightlife, nature, desert, natural places, secret, disco, hunting, ancient ruins, scenic roads, music, bridges, towers, historical sites, forest, countryside, mountains, religious sites, running, museums, rivers, shopping, food, architectural buildings, clubs, beaches, scuba diving, wellness, boat rides, water parks, gardens, parks, caves, diving, monuments, wildlife, events.

    Interactive Bongor (Chad) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bongor, Chad (TD).