
Info about Biltine, (Chad)

It is also called Biltine, its latitude is 14.5279100, and its longitude 20.9274900.

With a population of 494.933 residents, this city timezone is Africa/Ndjamena (Africa/Ndjamena_cet).

Biltine is one of the top destinations for water sports, mines, mountains, islands, volcanoes, hiking, slopes, valleys, towers, desert, countryside, disco, geological formations, caves, events, nightlife, water parks, shopping, bridges, ancient ruins, religious sites, wildlife, clubs, secret in Chad.


More details about Biltine in Chad (TD)

It is the capital of Wadi Fira Region.

In Biltine there are 494.933 residents, related to 2009 census.

Biltine area is 5431000 sq. km. so its a big city, busy full of things to do or activities to do. If you book an accommodation in Biltine you may spend big money because of their very high accommodation costs, and for this reason you could enjoy it like your basecamp if you want to relax after visiting this metropolis.

Biltine altitude above sea level, basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is 512 meters. For this Biltine is the perfect trip destination when you and family like tall ground to visit in your next trip or are willing to do trail if you are relaxing abroad.

Biltine things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • water sports, mines, mountains, islands, volcanoes, hiking, slopes, valleys, towers, desert, countryside, disco, geological formations, caves, events, nightlife, water parks, shopping, bridges, ancient ruins, religious sites, wildlife, clubs, secret.

    Interactive Biltine (Chad) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Biltine, Chad (TD).