
Info about Batangafo, Ouham (Central African Republic)

Batangafo region is Ouham, in Central African Republic (CF).

Alternate names are BTG, Batangafo, Devo, Dévo, latitude is 7.3008200, and its longitude 18.2833000.

In Batangafo are settled 16.420 residents, its timezone is Africa/Bangui (Africa/Bangui_cet).

Some of the things you can do if you travel to Batangafo are shooting ranges, parachute, escape room, national parks, secret, horse trails, events, lakes, running, sailboats, islands, farms, walking trails, trail running, fishing, shopping, climbing, geological formations, water sports, mines, bridges, water parks, nature reserves, parks, religious sites, countryside, mosques, spa, festival, fountains, amusement parks, off-road trails in Central African Republic.


More details about Batangafo in Central African Republic (CF)

In Batangafo live 16.420 residents, related to 2003 latest census.

Its meters above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 431 meters. This is why it is the perfect place if you love high mountains to see in your next travel and love trekking if you are on holiday in a new country.

Batangafo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • shooting ranges, parachute, escape room, national parks, secret, horse trails, events, lakes, running, sailboats, islands, farms, walking trails, trail running, fishing, shopping, climbing, geological formations, water sports, mines, bridges, water parks, nature reserves, parks, religious sites, countryside, mosques, spa, festival, fountains, amusement parks, off-road trails.

    Interactive Batangafo (Central African Republic) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Batangafo, Ouham Central African Republic (CF).