
Info about Ainsworth, (Canada)

latitude is 49.7353000, and longitude -116.9115300.

Ainsworth has a population of 100 natives, this area timezone is America/Vancouver (America/Vancouver_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Ainsworth are therms, caves in Canada.


More details about Ainsworth in Canada (CA)

It’s time zone is Pacific Time Zone (during standard time).

Population of Ainsworth is 100 natives, according to 2018 census.

Ainsworth dimension is 0 sq. km. so it is relatively quiet place an ideal travel destination for people that are searching for small cities as their base location to travel to, an incredibly quite place without confusion typical of large metropolis. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations because of their cheap room rates, and for this reason you could use it as base if you want to move across Canada and Ainsworth near things to do.

Its elevation above sea level, that is meters above sea level (MASL), counts 0 mt. Because of this this city is the ideal place if you and partner like to do a sea trip.

Near cities are beautiful cities like Slocan. So you can effortlessly visit those other surroundings for new Canada adventures.

Ainsworth things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms, caves.

    Interactive Ainsworth (Canada) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ainsworth, Canada (CA).