
Info about Chernomorets, Burgas (Bulgaria)

Chernomorets is a site in Burgas, Obshtina Sozopol, in Bulgaria (BG).

Also called Agios Nikolo, Chernomorec, Chernomorets, Nikola, Sveti Nicola, Sveti Nikola, Sweti Nikola, Черноморец, its latitude is 42.4440800, and its longitude is 27.6390200.

In Chernomorets are settled 2.184 folks, Chernomorets timezone is Europe/Sofia (Europe/Sofia_cet).

If you travel to Chernomorets you can enjoy kiteboarding, kitesurfing, beaches, swimming, clubs in all Bulgaria.


More details about Chernomorets in Bulgaria (BG)

It is located in time zone UTC+02:00 (valid for standard time).

Do You need to have a call local people. Local dialing code for Chernomorets is 550. Chernomorets postal code is 8142, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends by post on your travel you can use the post code as explained.

Chernomorets altitude above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL) should be about 0 meters. For this reason Chernomorets is a perfect trip destination if you and your family want sea places.

If you like lakes, rivers and sea in a trip you will be happy to find out that there are this lakes or rivers or sea around Chernomorets. Bodies of water like Black Sea must be visited when you like destinations with a lot of water.

Chernomorets things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kiteboarding, kitesurfing, beaches, swimming, clubs.

    Interactive Chernomorets (Bulgaria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Chernomorets, Burgas Obshtina Sozopol Bulgaria (BG).