Sungai Liang

Info about Sungai Liang, (Brunei)

Sungai Liang names are also Kampong Sungai Liang, Kampung Sungai Liang, its latitude is 4.6774700, and longitude 114.4958700.

Sungai Liang is famous for activities like ranches, skateboard, shooting ranges, islands, nature reserves, water skiing, farms, events, swimming, valleys, gardens, forest, slopes, mountains, geological formations, fishing, mines, castles, playgrounds, churches, ancient ruins, cemeteries, water sports, desert, wildlife, wellness, scenic roads, rivers, running, bridges in all Brunei.


More details about Sungai Liang in Brunei (BN)

It has timezone UTC+08:00 (valid in period standard time).

Sungai Liang zip code is KC1135, this is why if you want to send anything to your family by post you can use the zip code as per description.

Sungai Liang height above sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL) is over 0 meters. That is why this is the perfect trip destination when you and your partner want to be near the sea.

Sungai Liang things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • ranches, skateboard, shooting ranges, islands, nature reserves, water skiing, farms, events, swimming, valleys, gardens, forest, slopes, mountains, geological formations, fishing, mines, castles, playgrounds, churches, ancient ruins, cemeteries, water sports, desert, wildlife, wellness, scenic roads, rivers, running, bridges.

    Interactive Sungai Liang (Brunei) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Sungai Liang, Brunei (BN).