
Info about Potoci, Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Potoci is a state in Republika Srpska, situated in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA).

Also called Potoci, its latitude is 44.3926100, and its longitude is 16.6200100.

In Potoci are settled 1.228.423 inhabitants, this region timezone is Europe/Sarajevo (Europe/Sarajevo_cet).

Potoci is one of the top destinations for docks around Bosnia and Herzegovina.


More details about Potoci in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

It’s population is 1.228.423 occupants, if we consider 2013 census.

Its size is 24857 km2, great if you want to visit a big city, crowdy full of distractions or entertainment. In Potoci you can find high budget accommodations due to Potoci very high hotel costs, and this is why you can find it as your base to relax tired by visiting the big city.

Potoci meters above mean sea level, also called meters above sea level (MASL), is around 355 meters above sea. For this reason it is an ideal trip destination if you love high land to travel to in your next holiday and love hiking while travelling somewhere else.

Near Potoci you can find cities like Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Canton. As those cities are very close to Potoci you and your friends can effortlessly reach those near destinations to explore more Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Potoci things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • docks.

    Interactive Potoci (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Potoci, Republika Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA).