
Info about Tomislavgrad, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Tomislavgrad region is Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA).

Other names for Tomislavgrad are Duvno, Tomislavgrad, Zupanjac, Županjac, Томиславград, Томіславград, latitude is 43.7184900, and longitude is 17.2251500.

With 5.760 residents, this area timezone is Europe/Sarajevo (Europe/Sarajevo_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Tomislavgrad are parachute, ranches, lakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


More details about Tomislavgrad in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

It is the capital of Tomislavgrad Municipality.

Tomislavgrad has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

It’s zip code is 80240, so for sending postcards to your family from Tomislavgrad it can be used the post code as described above.

Its area is 26110 square km., so its a relatively large city, crowdy full of attractions or entertainment. In this city you may find expensive accommodations due to its very high hotel rates, so for this reason you could find Tomislavgrad as your basecamp if you want to relax tired by walking the big city.

Its elevation above mean sea level, that is meters above sea level (MASL), is about 900 meters. That’s why this city is an ideal place if you and friends like high land to go to in your next travel and want to do trekking while going far away.

If you are searching for data for Tomislavgrad please visit its official webpage

Tomislavgrad things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • parachute, ranches, lakes.

    Interactive Tomislavgrad (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tomislavgrad, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA).