
Info about Lissewege, Flanders (Belgium)

Lissewege is a locality of Flanders, Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Arrondissement Brugge, in country Belgium (BE).

Also called Lissewege, Lisseweghe, its latitude is 51.2942700, and its longitude 3.1933100.

With a population of 7.412 folks, this area timezone is Europe/Brussels (Europe/Brussels_cet).

Lissewege is popular for bridges, scenic roads in all Belgium.


More details about Lissewege in Belgium (BE)

It’s population is 7.412 natives, according to 2014 last census. Lissewege postal code is 8380, this is why for sending postcards to your family on your travel you can use the postal code as explained.

Its square area is 26800000 sq. kilometers so Lissewege is a relatively big city, busy full of things to do and entertainment. If you book an accommodation in Lissewege you can find expensive hotels due to Lissewege very high accommodation rates, and this is why you can enjoy Lissewege like your base to getting the comfort of luxury tired by walking the Lissewege.

Lissewege meters above sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 4 meters above sea. For this reason it is the perfect place if you and your beloved ones like sea places.

Lissewege things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bridges, scenic roads.

    Interactive Lissewege (Belgium) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Lissewege, Flanders Provincie West-Vlaanderen Belgium (BE).