
Info about Feni, Chittagong (Bangladesh)

Feni region is Chittagong, Feni, Feni Sadar Upazila, in country Bangladesh (BD).

Feni is also called Feni, Feni Bangladesh, Fenny, latitude is 23.0144000, and its longitude is 91.3966000.

With a population of 84.028 inhabitants, Feni timezone is Asia/Dhaka (Asia/Dhaka_cet).

Feni is popular for mosques, tennis, fountains, geological formations, mountains, hammam, hunting, desert, countryside, slopes, rivers, canoeing, clubs, valleys, water sports, paddle, music, disco, therms, pubs, lakes over Bangladesh.


More details about Feni in Bangladesh (BD)

It’s time zone is Bangladesh Standard Time (valid for standard time).

It’s postal code is 3900, for this reason, if you want to send anything via post this can be done by using the zip as described.

Feni dimension is 27 square km., so Feni is very small town , suggested location for travelers that are interested in relaxing cities as a good location on a trip, an incredibly calm place without distractions typical of big cities. In this town you can save money because of their low accommodation prices, and this is why you and your friends could have Feni like basecamp if you want to move across Bangladesh and Feni near things to do.

Its meters above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) is 0 mt. Because of this it is a perfect destination when you and firends love seaside places.

Feni things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques, tennis, fountains, geological formations, mountains, hammam, hunting, desert, countryside, slopes, rivers, canoeing, clubs, valleys, water sports, paddle, music, disco, therms, pubs, lakes.

    Interactive Feni (Bangladesh) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Feni, Chittagong Feni Bangladesh (BD).