
Info about Leutasch, Tirol (Austria)

Leutasch region is Tirol, Politischer Bezirk Innsbruck Land, in Austria (AT).

Other names for Leutasch are Lojtash, luo yi ta shi, Лойташ, 洛伊塔施, latitude is 47.3689000, and longitude is 11.1440400.

Its population is 2.380 citizens, this region timezone is Europe/Vienna (Europe/Vienna_cet).

Popular things to do in Leutasch are fishing, walkways, snow tubing, paddleboarding, nature reserves, therms, wildlife in Austria.

More details about Leutasch in Austria (AT)

Leutasch has timezone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

In Leutasch there are 2.380 citizens, according to 2018 census. You need to use telephone for calling local numbers? You can use 5214 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s zip code is 6105, so for post delivery from Leutasch you can use the postal code as explained.

Leutasch square area is 103 km2, so its a medium sized city, in our opinion a city worth visiting. In Leutasch you save money due to its economic rooms prices, and for this reason you can use Leutasch as base if you want to move across Austria or Leutasch near places.

Its elevation above mean sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is over 1136 meters. That’s why this city is an ideal travel destination when you and your partner like tall areas to travel to in your next holiday or are willing to do hiking when on a travel abroad.

Leutasch shares borders with cities like Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Scharnitz, Mittenwald. As those cities are near Leutasch you and your family can effortlessly go to those other destinations for new adventures in Austria.

If you’re looking for extra information about Leutasch please visit its website http://www.leutasch.at/.

Leutasch things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • fishing, walkways, snow tubing, paddleboarding, nature reserves, therms, wildlife.

    Interactive Leutasch (Austria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Leutasch, Tirol Politischer Bezirk Innsbruck Land Austria (AT).