Bad Schallerbach

Info about Bad Schallerbach, Oberösterreich (Austria)

Bad Schallerbach is a city of Oberösterreich, Politischer Bezirk Grieskirchen, in Austria (AT).

Bad Schallerbach names are also Bad Schallerbach, Bad-Shallerbakh, Schallerbach, ba te sha lei ba he, Бад-Шаллербах, 巴特沙勒巴赫, its latitude is 48.2299900, and longitude 13.9192500.

In Bad Schallerbach are located 4.169 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Vienna (Europe/Vienna_cet).

For your trip to Bad Schallerbach you can turkish baths, wellness, water parks, amusement parks, hammam, theme parks, therms, spa, adventure parks over Austria.

More details about Bad Schallerbach in Austria (AT)

It has timezone UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

In Bad Schallerbach live 4.169 citizens, considering 2018 latest census. You are looking to dial local phone numbers! You can use 7249 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. Bad Schallerbach zip code is 4701, then if you want to send anything to friends via post from Bad Schallerbach you can use the zip as described.

Its square area is 8 square kilometers so it seems to be very calm town suggested solution for trippers that are searching for quiet cities for a cheap base on a trip, an incredibly calm place without distractions common in large cities. If you stay in this town you can find cheap hotels because of their low room costs, and this is why you and your friends may use Bad Schallerbach like basecamp to move across Austria and Bad Schallerbach near adventures.

Bad Schallerbach height above sea level technically meters above sea level (MASL) counts 308 meters. That is why this is the ideal destination if you and your beloved ones love high land to go to for your next holiday or are willing to do trekking when on holiday to visit a new place.

From Bad Schallerbach you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, cities like Pollham, Sankt Marienkirchen an der Polsenz, Wallern an der Trattnach, Pichl bei Wels, Schlüßlberg. For this reason you and your companions could very quickly reach these near travel destinations for new destinations in Austria.

If you are searching for more information on this city please have a look at Bad Schallerbach official website

Bad Schallerbach things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • turkish baths, wellness, water parks, amusement parks, hammam, theme parks, therms, spa, adventure parks.

    Interactive Bad Schallerbach (Austria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Bad Schallerbach, Oberösterreich Politischer Bezirk Grieskirchen Austria (AT).