
Info about Melk, Niederösterreich (Austria)

Melk region is Niederösterreich, Politischer Bezirk Melk, with country Austria (AT).

Alternate names are Mel’k, Melk, Mellicum, Moek, Mök, mei er ke, melkeu, meruku, mlq, Мелк, Мельк, מלק, メルク, 梅爾克, 멜크, latitude is 48.2273700, and its longitude is 15.3318600.

With 5.529 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Vienna (Europe/Vienna_cet).

Melk is considered one of the best destinations for sailboats, boat rides, scenic roads, monuments, adventure, islands, religious sites, fountains, historical sites, ancient ruins, wildlife, paddle, towers, ranches, canoeing, cathedrals, forest, statues, rivers, valleys, docks, gardens, nature, wine bars, churches, festival, paddleboarding, natural places, mountains, national parks, kayaking, countryside, beaches, parks, desert, secret, bridges, events, food, farms, mines, castles, walkways, art galleries, nature reserves, water sports, architectural buildings, aquariums, off-road trails over Austria.

More details about Melk in Austria (AT)

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

In Melk live 5.529 citizens, if we consider 2018 last census. Do You want to have a call local phones! You can use 0 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s postal code is 3390, for this reason, if you want to send anything to family by post from Melk you can use this postal code as per description above.

Melk size is 25 sq. kilometers, so Melk appears to be quitely small place , a nice place for trippers that are interested in small places for a good base location on a trip, a quiet countryside without loudness common in big urban areas. In Melk you can find cheap accommodations because of Melk economic rooms costs, so this is why you and your travel companions may have it like a base in order to move across Austria and Melk near adventures.

Its altitude above mean sea level, that is meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be around 213 meters. This is why Melk a perfect trip destination if you and partner love plain land to see in your next holiday.

If you want to visit places near to Melk you can travel to very cool cities like Emmersdorf an der Donau, Schönbühel-Aggsbach, Dunkelsteinerwald, Loosdorf, Schollach, Sankt Leonhard am Forst, Zelking-Matzleinsdorf. Because of this you and your friends may effortlessly go to those close destinations to see other destinations in Austria.

If you’re looking for more info for Melk see Melk official webpage

Melk things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • sailboats, boat rides, scenic roads, monuments, adventure, islands, religious sites, fountains, historical sites, ancient ruins, wildlife, paddle, towers, ranches, canoeing, cathedrals, forest, statues, rivers, valleys, docks, gardens, nature, wine bars, churches, festival, paddleboarding, natural places, mountains, national parks, kayaking, countryside, beaches, parks, desert, secret, bridges, events, food, farms, mines, castles, walkways, art galleries, nature reserves, water sports, architectural buildings, aquariums, off-road trails.

    Interactive Melk (Austria) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Melk, Niederösterreich Politischer Bezirk Melk Austria (AT).