
Info about Murchison, State of Victoria (Australia)

Murchison region is State of Victoria, in country Australia (AU).

Other names for Murchison are Murchison, Мурчисон, latitude is -36.6188800, and its longitude is 145.2171900.

In Murchison live 925 occupants, this region timezone is Australia/Melbourne (Australia/Melbourne_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Murchison are windsurfing, geological formations over Australia.


More details about Murchison in Australia (AU)

In Murchison there are 925 occupants, according to 2016 last census. It’s postal code is 3610, so if you want to send anything to anyone via post on your travel this can be done by using the code as described.

Its meters above mean sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 125 meters. That’s why it is an ideal destination if you and your friends want flat areas to see in your next holiday.

Murchison things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • windsurfing, geological formations.

    Interactive Murchison (Australia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Murchison, State of Victoria Australia (AU).