
Info about Arzakan, (Armenia)

It is also called Arzakan, Arzakyand, Арзакан, Արզական, its latitude is 40.4500700, and longitude is 44.6082800.

With 2.996 people, this region timezone is Asia/Yerevan (Asia/Yerevan_cet).

Things to do in Arzakan are therms, water skiing, countryside, skateboard, farms, spa, mountains, national parks, beaches, adventure, fountains, geological formations, valleys, nature reserves, water sports, biking, natural places, swimming, nature in Armenia.

More details about Arzakan in Armenia (AM)

Arzakan time zone is UTC+04:00 (in standard time).

In Arzakan there are 2.996 people, if we consider 2004 census.

Arzakan elevation above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 1500 meters. For this this city is a perfect place when you want high mountains to see for your next travel or are willing to do adventure in the nature when on a travel abroad.

Arzakan things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms, water skiing, countryside, skateboard, farms, spa, mountains, national parks, beaches, adventure, fountains, geological formations, valleys, nature reserves, water sports, biking, natural places, swimming, nature.

    Interactive Arzakan (Armenia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Arzakan, Armenia (AM).