Florencio Varela

Info about Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Florencio Varela is a city in Buenos Aires, situated in Argentina (AR).

It is also called F. Varela, Florencio Varela, its latitude is -34.8272200, and its longitude is -58.3955600.

Florencio Varela has a population of 146.704 folks, this place timezone is America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires (America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires_cet).

Florencio Varela is a popular destination for aquariums, zoo in all Argentina.

More details about Florencio Varela in Argentina (AR)

It is the capital of Florencio Varela Partido.

In Florencio Varela there are 146.704 folks, if we consider 2010 last census. Do You need to dial local telephone numbers? You can call phone numbers by dialing 11 as local dialing code. Florencio Varela postal code is B1888, for this reason, if you want to send anything to anyone via post from Florencio Varela it can be used this zip code as described.

Florencio Varela altitude above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), is under 25 mt. For this Florencio Varela a perfect destination if you and your family like flat land to see for your next vacation.

For information for Florencio Varela check its official website http://www.florenciovarela.gov.ar/inicio.aspx.

Florencio Varela things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • aquariums, zoo.

    Interactive Florencio Varela (Argentina) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires Argentina (AR).