Termas del Arapey

Info about Termas del Arapey, (Uruguay)

Other names for Termas del Arapey are Arapey, Termas del Arapey, latitude is -30.9475000, and longitude is -57.5208700.

With a population of 184 residents, Termas del Arapey timezone is America/Montevideo (America/Montevideo_cet).

Popular things to do in Termas del Arapey are therms, spa, water parks, aquariums, theme parks, turkish baths, hiking, mines, amusement parks, desert, water sports, parks, hiking trails, events, nature, castles, religious sites, historical sites over Uruguay.


More details about Termas del Arapey in Uruguay (UY)

Termas del Arapey has timezone UTC−03:00 (in standard time).

It’s zip code is 50003, so if you want to send anything to friends by post you can use this zip as per description.

Its elevation above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), is about 47 meters. That’s why this city is an ideal trip destination when you and firends want flat land to go to for your next holiday.

If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes close to Termas del Arapey. Bodies of water like Arapey Grande River must be visited if you and your friends like cities surrounded by water.

Termas del Arapey things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • therms, spa, water parks, aquariums, theme parks, turkish baths, hiking, mines, amusement parks, desert, water sports, parks, hiking trails, events, nature, castles, religious sites, historical sites.

    Interactive Termas del Arapey (Uruguay) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Termas del Arapey, Uruguay (UY).