Info about Oak Creek, Wisconsin (United States)
Oak Creek region is Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, and country is United States (US).
Other names for Oak Creek are Ouk Krik, awk gryk wyskansyn, awk kryk, awk kryk wskwnsn, xiang shu xi, Оук Крик, أوك كريك, اوک کریک، وسکونسن, اوک گریک، ویسکانسین, ოუკ-კრიკი, 橡樹溪, latitude is 42.8858500, and its longitude -87.8631400.
In Oak Creek live 33.946 citizens, this location timezone is America/Chicago (America/Chicago_cet).
In Oak Creek you can go for fishing around United States.
More details about Oak Creek in United States (US)
Do You want to use telephone for calling local telephones! You can use 414 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 53154, this is why for post delivery in Oak Creek this can be done by using 53154 zip code as described above.
Oak Creek dimensions are 73690000 sq. kilometers good if you like to visit a metropolis, crowdy with a lot of attractions and activities to do. In Oak Creek you may spend big money due to their high hotel costs, so this is why you could enjoy it as your base to relaxing in luxury after going around this city.
Its altitude above sea level or meters above sea level (MASL), is under 214 mt. That’s why Oak Creek the perfect travel destination if you and your partner love flat ground to see for your next vacation.
For detailed info on this city see Oak Creek website
Oak Creek things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Oak Creek (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Oak Creek, Wisconsin Milwaukee County United States (US).