Info about La Sal, Utah (United States)
La Sal region is Utah, located in United States (US).
Other names for La Sal are La Sal, LaSal, New LaSal, latitude is 38.3122100, and longitude is -109.2481700.
La Sal population is 339 people, its timezone is America/Denver (America/Denver_cet).
La Sal is one of the best destinations for biking, off-road trails in all United States.
More details about La Sal in United States (US)
La Sal has timezone Mountain Time Zone (valid in period standard time).
In La Sal there are 339 people, according to 2000 latest census. It’s zip code is 84530, so if you want to send anything to your family by post this can be done by using 84530 code as described above.
La Sal size is 123 square kilometers, so its a mid-sized city, in our opinion a town worth a visit. If you stay in this town you save money because of La Sal economic accommodation costs, so for this reason you can have it as your basecamp to move across United States or La Sal near adventures.
Its height above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL), is 2127 meters. That’s why this is an ideal trip destination if you like high ground to visit for your next travel and want to do trekking while tripping abroad.
La Sal things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive La Sal (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of La Sal, Utah United States (US).