Info about Roosevelt, New York (United States)
Roosevelt region is New York, Nassau County, situated in United States (US).
latitude is 40.6787100, and its longitude is -73.5890200.
With 16.258 inhabitants, this city timezone is America/New_York (America/New_York_cet).
Some of the things you can do if you travel to Roosevelt are hunting, statues, national parks, fountains, forest, nature reserves, historical sites, wildlife, parks, monuments, geological formations, golf, trail running, fishing, adventure, castles, ancient ruins, cathedrals, secret, pubs in United States.
More details about Roosevelt in United States (US)
In Roosevelt live 16.258 inhabitants, if we consider 2010 census. It’s postal code is 11575, for this reason, if you want to send anything by post on your travel this can be done by using this postal code as described above.
Its area is 4 km2, this is why Roosevelt is quitely quiet area , a nice solution for who are interested in relaxing destinations as a quiet base location to travel to, a calm area without confusion that you find in large metropolis. Here you can find cheap accommodations due to Roosevelt low hotel prices, and this is why you and your friends can have Roosevelt as basecamp if you want to visit all United States or Roosevelt near adventures.
Its altitude above mean sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 12 meters. This is why Roosevelt is a perfect trip destination when you and firends want to do a sea trip.
If you want to visit places near to Roosevelt you can travel to cities like Freeport. As those cities are very close to Roosevelt you and your friends can in few time travel to those near wonderful destinations for new destinations in United States.
Roosevelt things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Roosevelt (United States) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Roosevelt, New York Nassau County United States (US).