
Info about Animas, New Mexico (United States)

Animas region is New Mexico, in country United States (US).

Animas is also called Animas, Ánimas, Анимас, latitude is 31.9489800, and longitude -108.8072800.

In Animas there are 237 people, this region timezone is America/Denver (America/Denver_cet).

In Animas you can go for paddleboarding over United States.


More details about Animas in United States (US)

It’s time zone is Mountain Time Zone (during standard time).

Animas square area is 40 sq. km. so it is counted as relatively calm town ideal destination for people that are searching for relaxing places as location to stay, an incredibly calm place without loudness that characterizes large metropolis. If you stay here you can save money due to its low rooms prices, so for this reason you can use Animas as base if you want to move across United States or Animas near things to do.

Its elevation above sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), is around 4406 mt. Because of this this city is the perfect place if you and your beloved ones like high areas to travel to for your next trip or are willing to do climbing while you are on holiday in a new place.

Animas things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • paddleboarding.

    Interactive Animas (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Animas, New Mexico United States (US).