Spring Creek

Info about Spring Creek, Nevada (United States)

Spring Creek is a district of Nevada, in United States (US).

its latitude is 40.7265900, and longitude -115.5859000.

In Spring Creek there are 12.361 people, this region timezone is America/Los_Angeles (America/Los_Angeles_cet).

Considered best destination for ranches, wellness around United States.


More details about Spring Creek in United States (US)

In Spring Creek there are 12.361 people, related to 2010 latest census. You need to use telephone for calling local people! Use 775 if you wish to call local phone numbers. Spring Creek zip code is 89832, this is why for post delivery on your travel this can be done by using 89832 zip code as per description.

Its dimension is 152 sq. kilometers so Spring Creek is a medium size city that can become, if it is not already, a boomtown, in our opinion a city worth a visit. If you stay here you can find cheap hotels because of its economic housing costs, so for this reason you can have it like basecamp to move across United States and Spring Creek near adventures.

Spring Creek elevation above sea level also called meters above sea level (MASL), is under 1725 meters. For this this city is the perfect travel destination if you and your partner love high land to see for your next trip and want to do sports on top of mountains when on a travel away from home.

For detailed data on Spring Creek please have a look at Spring Creek official webpage http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/depts/admin_services/tlservices/Pages/Spring%20Valley%20Town%20Advisory%20Board.aspx.

Spring Creek things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • ranches, wellness.

    Interactive Spring Creek (United States) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Spring Creek, Nevada United States (US).