Info about Dunbar, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Dunbar region is Scotland, in United Kingdom (GB).
Dunbar is also called Danbar, Dun Barra, Dunbar, Dùn Barra, Dún Barra, deng ba, Данбар, 鄧巴, latitude is 56.0006200, and its longitude -2.5141800.
In Dunbar are located 8.470 inhabitants, this city timezone is Europe/London (Europe/London_cet).
Dunbar is considered one of the best destinations for bodyboard, wakeboard, kitesurfing, surf, water skiing, diving, walkways, scuba diving, hiking trails, water sports, hiking, walking trails in United Kingdom.
More details about Dunbar in United Kingdom (GB)
It’s time zone is UTC±00:00 (valid in period standard time).
Do You are looking to use telephone for calling local people. Use 1368 if you are calling local phone numbers. It’s postal code is EH42, then for post delivery it can be used the zip code as described.
Its altitude above sea level or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) is around 0 mt. Because of this Dunbar is the ideal travel destination if you want beaches and sea.
For extra information on Dunbar you can visit its official webpage
Dunbar things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Dunbar (United Kingdom) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Dunbar, Scotland United Kingdom (GB).