Corfe Castle

Info about Corfe Castle, England (United Kingdom)

Corfe Castle is a city of England, Dorset, Purbeck District, and country is United Kingdom (GB).

Corfe Castle names are also Corfe, its latitude is 50.6394700, and longitude -2.0567200.

In Corfe Castle there are 1.355 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/London (Europe/London_cet).

In Corfe Castle you can do snorkeling, castles, scenic roads, beaches in United Kingdom.


More details about Corfe Castle in United Kingdom (GB)

You want to call local telephone numbers! Use 1929 if you are calling local phone numbers. Corfe Castle zip code is BH19, then for sending postcards to your family you can use this postal code as per description.

Corfe Castle height above sea level, called also meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be about 0 mt. That is why this is the ideal place if you and friends love the sea.

For info for Corfe Castle see Corfe Castle official website

Corfe Castle things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snorkeling, castles, scenic roads, beaches.

    Interactive Corfe Castle (United Kingdom) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Corfe Castle, England Dorset United Kingdom (GB).