El Borma

Info about El Borma, Tataouine (Tunisia)

El Borma is a district in Tataouine, Remada, situated in Tunisia (TN).

Also called Al Borma, Al Burmah, EBM, El Borma, its latitude is 31.6917200, and longitude is 9.2062000.

Best destination for desert, slopes around Tunisia.


More details about El Borma in Tunisia (TN)

It is the capital of El Borma District.

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).

Its dimensions are 47261 square kilometers, ideal for travelling to large cities, crowdy with a lot of attractions or activities to do. If you stay in this city you may find expensive accommodations due to El Borma very high accommodation costs, so this is why you can enjoy El Borma like a base in order to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by visiting this El Borma.

El Borma height above mean sea level basically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 252 meters. For this reason this is an ideal travel destination if you and your family want plain land to go to for your next travel.

Near cities are very friendly places like Rhoud El Baguel. For this reason you and your family may very quickly go to those near places for new adventures.

El Borma things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • desert, slopes.

    Interactive El Borma (Tunisia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of El Borma, Tataouine Remada Tunisia (TN).