
Info about Yala, (Thailand)

Yala names are also Amphoe Mueang Yala, Amphoe Yala, Ban Yala, Changwat Yala, Jala, Muang Yala, Mueang Yala, Yala, yala, Яла, ยะลา, its latitude is 6.5399500, and longitude 101.2812800.

Yala population is 61.250 residents, its timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).

In your trip to Yala you can do bodyboard, mosques, surf, jet skiing, hunting, farms in Thailand.


More details about Yala in Thailand (TH)

It is the capital of Yala.

It has timezone UTC+07:00 (during standard time).

In Yala live 61.250 residents, related to 2014 last census. Yala zip code is 95, this is why if you want to send anything to family by post on your tripthis can be done by using this zip as per description above.

Its size is 19 sq. km. so it should be quitely small place , amazing travel destination for trippers that are searching for small places for a quiet base location to stay, a quiet place with no distractions common in big cities. Here you save money because of its cheap housing rates, and this is why you and your friends can use Yala like basecamp to visit all Thailand and Yala near adventures.

Yala elevation above sea level, also called meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 31 meters. That is why this city is the perfect trip destination when you and your partner want plain land to see for your next holiday.

Shares borders with for example Songkhla, Pattani, Narathiwat, Perak. This is why you and your friends may effortlessly travel to these other travel destinations for new adventures.

If you need information for Yala go to their official website http://www.yalacity.go.th/.

Yala things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • bodyboard, mosques, surf, jet skiing, hunting, farms.

    Interactive Yala (Thailand) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Yala, Thailand (TH).