Info about Trat, (Thailand)
Alternate names are Ban Bang Phra, Ban Prah, Bang Phra, Changwat Trat, Krat, Muang Krat, TDX, Trad, Trat, Трат, latitude is 12.2436400, and longitude is 102.5151400.
Trat population is 10.413 inhabitants, this city timezone is Asia/Bangkok (Asia/Bangkok_cet).
Some of the activities you can do in Trat are scuba diving, diving, sailboats, spa, turkish baths, mines, hammam, islands, ranches, fishing, desert, valleys, playgrounds, museums, food, events, forest, casinos in Thailand.
More details about Trat in Thailand (TH)
It is the capital of Trat.
In Trat live 10.413 inhabitants, if we consider 2014 latest census. You are looking to dial local people. You can use 39 as local dialing code for local phone numbers. It’s zip code is 23, for this reason, if you want to send anything to your friends via post it can be used the post code as described.
Its area is 2819 square kilometers, so its a relatively large city, crowdy with a lot of distractions or activities to do. If you book an accommodation in Trat you may find expensive accommodations due to their very high accommodation rates, and this is why you may find Trat like your base to find SPAs and Thermal baths tired by visiting the big city.
Its height above mean sea level also called meters above sea level (M A.S.L.) counts 0 meters. This is why this is a perfect destination when you and firends want the sea.
Shares borders with cities like Chanthaburi, Koh Kong Province, Pursat Province, Battambang Province, Pailin Province. For this reason you and your companions can very quickly go to these near travel destinations for new Thailand adventures.
If you’re looking for other data on Trat you can visit its official website
Trat things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Trat (Thailand) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Trat, Thailand (TH).