
Info about Ubungo, Dar es Salaam Region (Tanzania)

Ubungo is a in Dar es Salaam Region, Kinondoni, in country Tanzania (TZ).

Ubungo names are also Ubungo, its latitude is -6.7833300, and its longitude is 39.2000000.

One of the top destinations for treasure hunts, art galleries in all Tanzania.


More details about Ubungo in Tanzania (TZ)

It has timezone UTC+03:00 (valid for standard time).

Ubungo meters above mean sea level, called also meters above mean sea level (MAMSL) should be about 0 meters. That is why it is an ideal travel destination when you want the sea.

Ubungo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • treasure hunts, art galleries.

    Interactive Ubungo (Tanzania) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ubungo, Dar es Salaam Region Kinondoni Tanzania (TZ).