
Info about Eischoll, Canton du Valais (Switzerland)

Eischoll region is Canton du Valais, Raron District, in Switzerland (CH).

Eischoll is also called Eischol, latitude is 46.2935200, and its longitude is 7.7799500.

Eischoll population is 444 citizens, this place timezone is Europe/Zurich (Europe/Zurich_cet).

In Eischoll you can go for walkways in all Switzerland.


More details about Eischoll in Switzerland (CH)

Officially its name is Eischoll (VS).

Eischoll population is 444 citizens, related to 2018 census. Do You need to use telephone for calling local numbers! You can use 27 as local dialing code for calling local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 3943, so for post delivery this can be done by using the post code as explained.

Eischoll size is 13 sq. kilometers, so Eischoll seems to be nicely small city suggested place for trippers that are searching for quiet destinations as a quiet location to travel to, an incredibly quite town with no confusion common in large cities. In this town you can find cheap accommodations because of Eischoll cheap room prices, and this is why you and your travel companions could use Eischoll as your base if you want to visit all Switzerland or Eischoll near cities.

Its altitude above mean sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 1230 meters. Because of this Eischoll is an ideal travel destination if you and friends love high ground to see in your next holiday or are willing to do mountain rails if you are tripping to see a new place.

If you need info about Eischoll see its official webpage http://www.eischoll.ch.

Eischoll things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • walkways.

    Interactive Eischoll (Switzerland) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Eischoll, Canton du Valais Raron District Switzerland (CH).