Info about Mijares, Castilla y León (Spain)
Mijares is a state in Castilla y León, Provincia de Ávila, with country Spain (ES).
Also called Mijares, its latitude is 40.2965500, and its longitude is -4.8365100.
With 701 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Madrid (Europe/Madrid_cet).
Things to do in Mijares are rafting in Spain.
More details about Mijares in Spain (ES)
It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid in period standard time).
It’s population is 701 folks, according to 2019 census. Mijares postal code is 05461, for this reason, for sending postcards to your partner it can be used 05461 code as explained.
Its dimensions are 46 square kilometers, this is why Mijares is relatively small place ideal location for travelers that are searching for quiet destinations as base location to sleep, an incredibly quite countryside without distractions common of big metropolis. Here you save money because of its economic hotel prices, so for this reason you and your friends may use Mijares like your basecamp in order to visit all Spain and Mijares near cities.
Mijares meters above mean sea level, or meters above sea level (MASL), should be about 855 mt. For this reason it is a perfect place if you and your friends love high land to visit in your next vacation or are willing to do sports on top of mountains if you are travelling to visit new places.
If you travel with a car you can visit near cities, very cool cities like Serranillos, Gavilanes, Navamorcuende, La Iglesuela del Tiétar, Casavieja, Villanueva de Ávila, Navarrevisca, Burgohondo, Sartajada. As those cities are very close you can effortlessly visit these other destinations to visit to visit new things.
If you’re looking for extra data about Mijares please have a look at its official website
Mijares things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Mijares (Spain) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Mijares, Castilla y León Provincia de Ávila Spain (ES).