
Info about Moya, Canary Islands (Spain)

Moya is a locality of Canary Islands, Provincia de Las Palmas, in Spain (ES).

Also called Moya, its latitude is 28.1110600, and its longitude -15.5828500.

Moya has a population of 7.696 citizenry, this region timezone is Atlantic/Canary (Atlantic/Canary_cet).

Things to do in Moya are tennis, fishing around Spain.


More details about Moya in Spain (ES)

Moya official name is Moya (GC).

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (in standard time).

Moya population is 7.696 people, according to 2019 last census. Moya postal code is 35…, this is why for sending postcards to friends on your travel you can use this zip code as described above.

Its dimensions are 31 km2 this is why Moya seems to be relatively small place , a nice solution for people that are searching for relaxing destinations for an economic base location to stay, a quiet city with no confusion common of large urban areas. In this town you can save money because of its cheap housing prices, and this is why you and your friends can have Moya like basecamp to visit all Spain or Moya near things to do.

Moya altitude above sea level, technically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is under 490 mt. For this reason Moya is the perfect place when you and firends love tall land to see for your next trip or are willing to do climbing if relaxing abroad.

Near cities are nice cities like Arucas, Las Palmas, Firgas, Las Palmas, Valleseco, Las Palmas, Tejeda, Artenara, Las Palmas, Gáldar, Las Palmas, Santa María de Guía de Gran Canaria. For this reason you could effortlessly go to those near surroundings to explore more Spain.

You can find lakes, rivers and sea in Moya. Bodies of water like Atlantic Ocean are a must if you and your friends are interested in destinations with water.

If you are searching for detailed data about this city see Moya website

Moya things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • tennis, fishing.

    Interactive Moya (Spain) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Moya, Canary Islands Provincia de Las Palmas Spain (ES).