
Info about Hopetown, Northern Cape (South Africa)

Hopetown region is Northern Cape, Pixley ka Seme District Municipality, in South Africa (ZA).

Alternate names are Hopetown, latitude is -29.6246400, and its longitude 24.0851800.

With a population of 15.701 folks, this region timezone is Africa/Johannesburg (Africa/Johannesburg_cet).

Things you can do if you travel to Hopetown are canoeing, events around South Africa.


More details about Hopetown in South Africa (ZA)

It is the capital of Thembelihle Local Municipality.

In Hopetown live 15.701 folks, considering 2011 latest census. It’s postal code is 8750, then for post delivery in Hopetown it can be used the code as per description.

Hopetown dimension is 73 square km. great if you want to visit a medium size city, definitely a city worth a visit. If you stay in this town you can save money because of its cheap housing rates, and this is why you could use Hopetown as a base in order to visit all South Africa and Hopetown near cities.

Its altitude above sea level technically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 1156 mt. This is why Hopetown is the ideal travel destination when you and firends want high mountains to travel to in your next holiday and love hiking when you are on vacation far away.

There are also other near cities you can visit, very friendly places like Orania, Letsemeng Local Municipality, Renosterberg Local Municipality, Emthanjeni Local Municipality, Siyathemba Local Municipality, Siyancuma Local Municipality. So you and your family could easily reach those close destinations to see other destinations in South Africa.

Hopetown things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • canoeing, events.

    Interactive Hopetown (South Africa) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Hopetown, Northern Cape Pixley ka Seme District Municipality South Africa (ZA).