Info about Kolovrat, (Slovenia)
Also called Kolovrat, its latitude is 46.1705600, and its longitude 14.8741700.
Its population is 154 inhabitants, its timezone is Europe/Ljubljana (Europe/Ljubljana_cet).
Kolovrat is a popular destination for hiking, hiking trails, walking trails in Slovenia.
More details about Kolovrat in Slovenia (SI)
It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).
Kolovrat population is 154 occupants, considering 2018 census. Kolovrat postal code is 1411, then if you want to send anything via post from Kolovrat you can use the zip as per description.
Kolovrat area is 6 square km. for this reason Kolovrat is very small area suggested travel destination for people that are interested in relaxing places as an economic location on a trip, an incredibly quite city without confusion that characterizes large urban areas. In Kolovrat you can save money due to Kolovrat cheap room costs, so for this reason you and your travel companions may use it like a base to move across Slovenia or Kolovrat near adventures.
Kolovrat altitude above sea level that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 463 meters. For this reason Kolovrat is the ideal destination when you like high mountains to go to for your next trip and want to do winter sports while you are going in a new place.
Kolovrat things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Kolovrat (Slovenia) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Kolovrat, Slovenia (SI).