Stará Bystrica

Info about Stará Bystrica, Zilina (Slovakia)

Stará Bystrica region is Zilina, Okres Čadca, in Slovakia (SK).

Other names for Stará Bystrica are Stara Bystrica, Stará Bystrica, latitude is 49.3474000, and its longitude is 18.9490600.

In Stará Bystrica are settled 2.759 citizens, this city timezone is Europe/Bratislava (Europe/Bratislava_cet).

Stará Bystrica is a popular travel destination for snorkeling over Slovakia.


More details about Stará Bystrica in Slovakia (SK)

The official name for Stará Bystrica is Stará Bystrica (CA).

In Stará Bystrica there are 2.759 citizens, according to 2017 last census. Do You want to use telephone for calling local telephones! You can use 41 as local dialing code for phone numbers. It’s postal code is 023 04, so for post delivery from Stará Bystrica this can be done by using this code as described.

Stará Bystrica square area is 36 square kilometers, so Stará Bystrica is nicely quiet place , suggested solution for travelers that like relaxing destinations for a good base location to sleep, a quiet countryside area with no loudness that you find in large urban areas. Here you save money because of their cheap housing costs, and for this reason you may have it as basecamp to visit all Slovakia and Stará Bystrica near things to do.

Its altitude above mean sea level, specifically meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), is about 487 mt. That’s why Stará Bystrica is an ideal travel destination when you and firends love tall mountains to go to in your next vacation and love mountain rails walking if tripping abroad.

If you want more info for this city please have a look at their website

Stará Bystrica things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snorkeling.

    Interactive Stará Bystrica (Slovakia) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Stará Bystrica, Zilina Okres Čadca Slovakia (SK).