
Info about Constanţa, Constanța (Romania)

Constanţa region is Constanța, in Romania (RO).

Other names for Constanţa are CND, Constanca, Constancia, Constanta, Constantia, Constantza, Constanza, Constança, Constanţa, Constanța, Costansa, Costanza, Kanstanca, Kjustendzha, Koestence, Konstanca, Konstancae, Konstanco, Konstansa, Konstantsa, Konstantza, Konstanza, Kuestence, Kustenja, Kustenje, Kustenji, Kyustendja, Köstence, Küstence, Küstenja, Tomis, kang si tan cha, khxn s tan sa, konseutancha, konstantsa, konsutantsu~a, kwnstansa, kwnstantsa, qwnstnzh, Κωνστάντζα, Канстанца, Константса, Констанцæ, Констанца, Кюстенджа, Կոնստանցա, קונסטנצה, كونستانتسا, کونستانتسا, کونستانسا, कोन्स्तांत्सा, คอนสตันซา, კონსტანცა, コンスタンツァ, 康斯坦察, 콘스탄차, latitude is 44.1807300, and its longitude is 28.6343200.

In Constanţa live 278.742 citizens, its timezone is Europe/Bucharest (Europe/Bucharest_cet).

In Constanţa you can enjoy activities like kiteboarding, art galleries, casinos, docks, mosques, shopping, cathedrals around Romania.


More details about Constanţa in Romania (RO)

It is the capital of Constanța.

Constanţa has timezone UTC+02:00 (during standard time).

In Constanţa there are 278.742 citizens, if we consider 2011 latest census. Do You want to dial local numbers? Use 241 if you wish to call local phone numbers. It’s postal code is 900003–900746, for this reason, if you want to send anything via post in Constanţa it can be used this postal code as explained.

Its area is 124 sq. km., so Constanţa is ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, definitely a town worth a visit. In Constanţa you can find cheap accommodations because of its cheap rooms rates, so for this reason you could have it as your base in order to move across Romania or Constanţa near places.

Its meters above mean sea level that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is under 25 meters. That’s why it is a perfect destination when you and family like flat land to go to for your next trip.

For detailed information on Constanţa check its official website

Very important monuments worth visit for people travelling to Constanţa are:

    Stadionul Farul

Constanţa things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • kiteboarding, art galleries, casinos, docks, mosques, shopping, cathedrals.

    Interactive Constanţa (Romania) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Constanţa, Constanța Romania (RO).