
Info about Ewo, (Republic of the Congo)

Also called EWO, Eouo, Ewo, its latitude is -0.8725000, and its longitude is 14.8205600.

Ewo population is 9.062 residents, its timezone is Africa/Brazzaville (Africa/Brazzaville_cet).

Ewo is famous for activities like islands, scenic roads, valleys, boat rides, adventure, fishing, pubs, casinos, bars, wine bars, running, food, ancient ruins, historical sites in Republic of the Congo.


More details about Ewo in Republic of the Congo (CG)

It is the capital of Cuvette-Ouest Department.

It is located in time zone UTC+01:00 (for standard time).

It’s population is 9.062 residents, considering 2012 latest census.

Its size is 26600 sq. kilometers, great if you want to visit a big city, crowdy with a lot of attractions and entertainment. Here you may find expensive accommodations because of Ewo high hotel prices, and this is why you could find Ewo as your base if you want to relaxing in luxury tired by visiting the big city.

Ewo meters above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), counts 534 meters. For this reason it is a perfect destination when you and family want high mountains to go to in your next vacation and love sports on top of mountains while you are travelling somewhere else.

Shares borders with for example Sangha Department, Cuvette Department. As those cities are near Ewo you and your companions may in few time visit these other destinations to visit to explore more Republic of the Congo.

Ewo things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • islands, scenic roads, valleys, boat rides, adventure, fishing, pubs, casinos, bars, wine bars, running, food, ancient ruins, historical sites.

    Interactive Ewo (Republic of the Congo) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Ewo, Republic of the Congo (CG).