
Info about Hamtic, Western Visayas (Philippines)

Hamtic is a area of Western Visayas, Province of Antique, in country Philippines (PH).

It is also called Antique, Hamtic, Hamtik, its latitude is 10.7023000, and its longitude 121.9824000.

With a population of 42.375 citizens, this location timezone is Asia/Manila (Asia/Manila_cet).

If you travel to Hamtic you can enjoy rafting over Philippines.


More details about Hamtic in Philippines (PH)

In Hamtic there are 42.375 citizens, considering 2007 latest census. Do You want to have a call local telephones! Local dialing code for Hamtic is 36. Hamtic postal code is 5715, then if you want to send anything to your family by post on your travel it can be used 5715 post code as per description.

Its square area is 113 sq. km. great if you want to visit a medium size city, definitely a town worth a visit. If you stay in this town you can save money because of Hamtic cheap housing costs, and for this reason you can use Hamtic as basecamp if you want to move across Philippines or Hamtic near places.

Hamtic meters above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be around 137 meters. For this it is the ideal trip destination if you and your friends love flat ground to go to in your next vacation.

There are also other near cities you can visit, cities like San Jose de Buenavista, San Joaquin, Tobias Fornier, Sibalom. As those cities are very close you and your friends could easily reach these close destinations to visit to visit new things.

The climate classification for Hamtic is tropical climate.

If you’re looking for more information on this city please have a look at its official website http://elgu.ncc.gov.ph/ecommunity/hamtic-antique/.

Hamtic things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • rafting.

    Interactive Hamtic (Philippines) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Hamtic, Western Visayas Province of Antique Philippines (PH).