Santa Maria

Info about Santa Maria, Davao (Philippines)

Santa Maria region is Davao, Davao Occidental, with country Philippines (PH).

Alternate names are Basiauan, Basiawan, Santa Maria, latitude is 6.5536100, and its longitude is 125.4708300.

Santa Maria population is 48.362 occupants, this region timezone is Asia/Manila (Asia/Manila_cet).

Santa Maria is popular for mosques, cathedrals, churches around Philippines.


More details about Santa Maria in Philippines (PH)

Located in time zone UTC+08:00 (valid for standard time).

In Santa Maria live 48.362 occupants, according to 2007 census. Do You need to dial local numbers! You can call phone numbers by dialing 82 as local dialing code. It’s postal code is 8011, so if you want to send anything via post this can be done by using this code as described above.

Santa Maria size is 175 square km., so its a mid-sized city, definitely a city worth visiting. In Santa Maria you can find cheap accommodations because of its cheap accommodation rates, so this is why you may have it like your basecamp to move across Philippines and Santa Maria near places.

Its altitude above mean sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 meters. This is why Santa Maria is an ideal destination if you and your partner love to swim in the sea.

Shares borders with astonishing cities like Malalag, Malita. This is why you and your companions can in few time visit those close places for new destinations in Philippines.

Climate for this city is tropical rainforest climate.

Santa Maria things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • mosques, cathedrals, churches.

    Interactive Santa Maria (Philippines) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Santa Maria, Davao Davao Occidental Philippines (PH).