Info about Badian, Central Visayas (Philippines)
Badian is a state of Central Visayas, Province of Cebu, with country Philippines (PH).
It is also called Badian, its latitude is 9.8647200, and its longitude 123.3963900.
With 35.876 citizenry, this city timezone is Asia/Manila (Asia/Manila_cet).
Considered best destination for water sports, abseiling, wellness, boat rides, adventure, caves, swimming around Philippines.
More details about Badian in Philippines (PH)
Badian time zone is Philippine Standard Time (for standard time).
In Badian there are 35.876 citizenry, related to 2007 latest census. Do You want to dial local phone numbers. Use 32 if you are calling local phone numbers. Badian postal code is 6031, this is why if you want to send anything to friends via post this can be done by using this post code as described above.
Its square area is 110 sq. kilometers ideal for visiting a mid-sized city, definitely a town worth a visit. Here you save money due to its low accommodation prices, so for this reason you may use Badian as your base to move across Philippines or Badian near things to do.
Badian altitude above sea level or meters above sea level (M A.S.L.), should be about 25 mt. For this Badian the perfect destination when you want plain land to visit in your next trip.
If you want to visit places near to Badian you can travel to nice cities like Moalboal, Alcoy, Alegria. Because of this you and your companions could effortlessly travel to these near trip destinations for new adventures in Philippines.
The climate classification for Badian is tropical climate.
Badian things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Badian (Philippines) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Badian, Central Visayas Province of Cebu Philippines (PH).