
Info about Orellana, Loreto (Peru)

Orellana is a spot of Loreto, Provincia de Ucayali, with country Peru (PE).

its latitude is -6.9000000, and longitude -75.1666700.

In Orellana are located 6.467 occupants, this location timezone is America/Lima (America/Lima_cet).

In Orellana you can do wine bars, boat rides, fishing around Peru.


More details about Orellana in Peru (PE)

In Orellana there are 6.467 occupants, related to 2017 census.

Orellana area is 1846 sq. kilometers so its a large city, busy full of distractions and entertainment. In Orellana you may spend big money because of Orellana very high housing prices, so for this reason you can enjoy Orellana as a base if you want to getting the comfort of luxury after going around the city.

Orellana elevation above sea level, or meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), should be about 130 meters. For this this city is the perfect place if you and friends love flat ground to visit for your next trip.

From Orellana you can also easily reach by train or car near cities, very friendly places like Maquia District, Contamana District, Pampa Hermosa District, Ucayali, Inahuaya District, Sarayacu District. As those cities are very close to Orellana you can easily visit those near surroundings to see new places in Peru.

Orellana things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • wine bars, boat rides, fishing.

    Interactive Orellana (Peru) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Orellana, Loreto Provincia de Ucayali Peru (PE).