
Info about Terneuzen, Provincie Zeeland (Netherlands)

Terneuzen region is Provincie Zeeland, with country Netherlands (NL).

Other names for Terneuzen are Neuzen, Terneuze, Terneuzen, Ternezen, Тернезен, latitude is 51.3358300, and its longitude 3.8277800.

In Terneuzen live 12.557 citizens, this region timezone is Europe/Amsterdam (Europe/Amsterdam_cet).

In Terneuzen you can enjoy activities like snow tubing, slopes, snowboard, skiing, mines around Netherlands.


More details about Terneuzen in Netherlands (NL)

Terneuzen has timezone Central European Time (valid for standard time).

In Terneuzen there are 12.557 citizens, considering 1947 last census. It’s postal code is 4520–4523, then if you want to send anything to anyone via post on your travel you can use the post code as described above.

Terneuzen dimension is 317 square km. so Terneuzen is ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, definitely a city that you should visit. If you book an accommodation in Terneuzen you save money because of their low accommodation costs, and for this reason you may use Terneuzen as base in order to visit all Netherlands or Terneuzen near cities.

Its altitude above sea level, specifically meters above sea level (MASL) should be about 4 mt. That’s why Terneuzen is the ideal destination if you and your beloved ones love being near the sea.

Terneuzen near cities are very cool cities like Borsele, Hulst, Sluis, Vlissingen, Zelzate, Stekene. So you and your companions may effortlessly reach these near destinations to visit to explore more Netherlands.

If you’re looking for detailed information for Terneuzen you can have a look at Terneuzen official website http://www.terneuzen.nl/.

Terneuzen things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • snow tubing, slopes, snowboard, skiing, mines.

    Interactive Terneuzen (Netherlands) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Terneuzen, Provincie Zeeland Netherlands (NL).