Info about Nampala, (Mali)
Nampala is also called Nampala, latitude is 15.2807000, and its longitude -5.5549000.
Things you can do in Nampala are hiking, hiking trails, walking trails, docks, secret, statues, running around Mali.
More details about Nampala in Mali (ML)
Nampala size is 5111 km2 good if you’d like to travel to a metropolis, crowdy with a lot of things to do and entertainment. If you stay in this city you may spend big money due to their very high room rates, so for this reason you could find it like base in order to relax tired by going around this Nampala.
Its meters above sea level, also called meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is 277 meters. Because of this it is the ideal trip destination if you and your beloved ones want flat ground to go to for your next vacation.
Nampala things to do and activities: best trip destination for:
Interactive Nampala (Mali) Map and attractions
Interactive map of Nampala, Mali (ML).