
Info about Redange-sur-Attert, Redange (Luxembourg)

Redange-sur-Attert region is Redange, and country is Luxembourg (LU).

Other names for Redange-sur-Attert are Redange, Redange-sur-Attert, Redange/Attert, Redingen, Reiden, Réiden, latitude is 49.7643700, and its longitude 5.8899700.

In Redange-sur-Attert live 2.905 people, Redange-sur-Attert timezone is Europe/Luxembourg (Europe/Luxembourg_cet).

Top destination for hammam, wellness, therms, spa, wildlife, festival, swimming, events in Luxembourg.


More details about Redange-sur-Attert in Luxembourg (LU)

It is the capital of Canton of Redange.

In Redange-sur-Attert there are 2.905 people, considering 2020 census.

Redange-sur-Attert dimensions are 3195 square km. good if you like to visit a metropolis, crowdy with a lot of distractions or entertainment. In this city you can find high budget accommodations because of their high hotel costs, and for this reason you can find it as base in order to find SPAs and Thermal baths after visiting the big city.

Its altitude above sea level, basically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is over 290 mt. That’s why Redange-sur-Attert the ideal trip destination when you want flat areas to visit in your next holiday.

Redange-sur-Attert near cities are for example cities like Rambrouch, Préizerdaul, Useldange, Beckerich, Ell. As those cities are near Redange-sur-Attert you and your friends may easily visit those close destinations for new adventures.

For other info about Redange-sur-Attert go to its official webpage

Redange-sur-Attert things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • hammam, wellness, therms, spa, wildlife, festival, swimming, events.

    Interactive Redange-sur-Attert (Luxembourg) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Redange-sur-Attert, Redange Luxembourg (LU).