
Info about Tosa, Kochi Prefecture (Japan)

Tosa is a location of Kochi Prefecture, located in Japan (JP).

Tosa names are also tu zuo, 土佐, its latitude is 33.5047600, and its longitude 133.4447500.

In Tosa live 28.686 residents, its timezone is Asia/Tokyo (Asia/Tokyo_cet).

If you travel to Tosa you can enjoy beaches, swimming in Japan.


More details about Tosa in Japan (JP)

It has timezone UTC+09:00 (during standard time).

In Tosa live 28.686 residents, related to 2010 census.

Its square area is 91 sq. km. so Tosa is ideal for people who like medium-sized cities, definitely a town worth visiting. In Tosa you can save money due to its economic housing rates, and for this reason you can use it like base to move across Japan or Tosa near places.

Tosa altitude above sea level, that is meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is around 0 mt. That is why Tosa is the perfect travel destination when you and family like to do a sea trip.

For extra info about Tosa please visit their official webpage

Tosa things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • beaches, swimming.

    Interactive Tosa (Japan) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Tosa, Kochi Prefecture Japan (JP).