
Info about Lipari, Sicilia (Italy)

Lipari region is Sicilia, Messina, in Italy (IT).

latitude is 38.4674300, and longitude is 14.9539800.

In Lipari are located 12.819 occupiers, this place timezone is Europe/Rome (Europe/Rome_cet).

Some of the activities you can do in Lipari are volcanoes, islands, snorkeling, sailboats, natural places, nature, mines in all Italy.


More details about Lipari in Italy (IT)

It is the capital of Lipari.

Located in time zone UTC+01:00 (valid for standard time).

In Lipari live 12.819 occupiers, according to 2018 census. You need to have a call local telephones? You can call phone numbers by dialing 90 as local dialing code. It’s zip code is 98055, so if you want to send anything to your family by post on your tripthis can be done by using the postal code as described.

Lipari square area is 89 square km., good if you’d like to travel to a medium-sized city that can soon become, if it is not already, boomtown, in our opinion a city worth visiting. If you stay in this town you can find cheap accommodations because of their low room costs, and this is why you could have it like your basecamp if you want to visit all Italy or Lipari near cities.

Its height above mean sea level, specifically meters above mean sea level (MAMSL), is about 5 meters. This is why this is an ideal trip destination if you and your beloved ones like to swim in the sea.

If you are looking for sea, rivers, lakes in Lipari. Bodies of water like Tyrrhenian Sea are to visit when you are interested in destinations where you can find water.

For information about this city please visit their official website

Lipari things to do and activities: best trip destination for:

  • volcanoes, islands, snorkeling, sailboats, natural places, nature, mines.

    Interactive Lipari (Italy) Map and attractions

    Interactive map of Lipari, Sicilia Messina Italy (IT).